
Keyword Tip to Put You on The First Page of Google

I just checked out a video on YouTube on one way you can boost your rankings on Google. You can find it on youtube.com/watch?v=oXts2sYnbNY. What I'm going to do is tell you in writing how you can some of the tips shown on the video for your search engine optimization (SEO) campaign.If you're familiar with SEO you know that you need to have keywords that you want to target and rank first one. That way if someone is searching, for example, “MLM Attraction Marketing Secrets,” you want them to find your site on the first page. Have a blog created and available that you can post topics that are related to your keywords. Or you can use content social media sites like Squidoo.com to post your information.Now make sure that the keywords you're targeting are very popular, which means how many times people are searching for info using that keyword. You should have three to ten primary keywords you want to target. To find out their popularity, you need to use a keyword research tool. There's several out there. You can use a paid service like wordtracker.com, or a free keyword tool like adwords.google.com/select/KeywordToolExternal.If you're using Google Adwords Keyword tools, select the language you want to use, and type in the keyword in the keyword box. It'll give you a list of keywords, and its car led lights popularity level. You can then go to Google and type in the keyword that you selected from the Google Adwords Keyword Tools. Make sure you put in quotes in the keyword like “Attraction Marketing Secrets.” The reason being is because then Google finds that exact keyword, instead of several different sources that deal with, for example, “Love & Attraction.”Lastly, make sure that you find keyword phrases that have about 15,000-50,000 of competitors in the ranking results of Google, or ideally less. Motor Parts That way you know there are not millions of people competing for those keywords, and you have a greater chance of being ranked on the first page of Google. When I did a search on “Attraction Marketing Secrets,” there were only 1,150 other competitors targeting that keyword, making it very easy to rank on top.This is one of the many tips that you can use to organically rank high on Google and boost your traffic. So again if you're looking to be on the first page of Google, get started on using this strategy right now.

